Sale Department was the last department that I should to go. I am happy that I almost done with my internship, just a few more weeks and I will finish. Well, last week was my last week at the sale department too. Even though, at begin of the week; it was kind of busy, the director of sale let me helped her to enter same data from an association group that is coming to the hotel. Consequently, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were busy days. I was sending letters to invite different groups that have convention, trade show, and conference to come to the Hotel San Carlos offers special discount rates. Thursday, in the morning, I helped her send emails to the Phoenix Convention Visitor Bureau to know if some bookings from the files of five year ago are still active. However, after that, she said that she does not have anything else for me to do. Therefore, I end helped Nuria at her department that day. Except, Friday, the sale of director of the hotel, told me that she does not have time to teach what to do, so she prefer to do her job by herself, I was kind disappointment with her answer. However, I understand that she had to do her job in the way she want it. Afterward, I helped Nuria again with different stuffs that she wanted me to do. Well, during my stayed at this department, it made me to remember the sale class’s project at the end of the semester, where we wrote a request for propose (RFP) pretending be an event planner. Well, as you know, my job dream will be hotel inspector, but maybe I will change it to event planner. Such as, I am member of Meeting Professional International (MPI) and Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI), maybe I will contact some of my networking for internship at there and see what going with the industry.
I think it is great that you are thinking about event coordinating as well. I too am still thinking about becoming an event coordinator or if I want to go towards the marketing and sales departments. I remember that project where we had to do a RFP and plan an entire event. After my experience with my event at my internship it seems like the planning is easier than actually running the event. At my event it was very busy and fast paced! I would suggest getting another internship or volunteering to help out for a large event before you decide that this is what you want to do! Event planning is a lot of work but also a lot of fun!