As you know, time go-fast and I finished six deferent departments at the Hotel San Carlos. I do not know if you remember that I said that after I done with six departments, I have to return to each apartment again for two days. Well, I have news for you; I will not have to go over all departments again, I am glad for that. Instead of that, I finished another week at the front desk. Even though, last week I had to work at the second sheet for two days, Monday and Tuesday. While Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I work in the morning sheet. During my return to this department, I helped the staff of the front desk to check in and out guests. In addition, I answered some guests inquire about the hotel. Even though, I do not like to work at second sheet because it is from 3pm to 11pm, I would prefer in the morning sheet, because I do not like to be out side of my home, during nighttime, but I have to obey in order to do well in my internship so I did. Monday, was okay it was a busy day, I helped the front desk supervisor to answer the phone. In addition, I helped her to go to each room that was reserved for that group, and to put a bag in it, required for the group planner.
On the other hand, Tuesday night was good, as it was not very busy. During that night a guy came to the hotel because he had a reservation, so, I helped him to check in. Even though, I finished checking him in, he stayed at the front desk and talked to us about his life’s journey, it was interesting to hear him. However, the funny part was when he talked about ghosts, and asked if it is true that in the hotel they are ghost, he assumed that because the hotel is historical. Usually, I do not talk too much to guests except if they ask me for something. Well, this guest was so funny, according to him, he knows where people are from with just look at them, but he did not guess that. Well, this guy ends up giving advice to Karla and me about the life.
Working in the service industry I have ran into some interesting people! One night when I was working at the W hotel I had a magician at my table and he was an interesting character! He kept us entertained the whole night! When people are friendly like that you just have to keep a smile on your face and go with it!