Well, as I told you, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I worked at the first sheet. I helped answers the phone, make reservations, and any other inquire that guests may have. Sometimes I do not have the answers to the guests questions so I prefer to transfer the call to the person I was working with. While, my stayed at there I met some people who do not speak English. For example a lady who came with her husband to the doctors’ conference at the Phoenix Convention Center, they were from Peru. As well, I helped two Christian men who came to make reservation for their ministers; they said that they would hold a convention at downtown Phoenix. They invited me to attend to their meeting. Finally, Friday, in the morning was not so busy, however, in the afternoon Georgene the director of sale asked me to help her enter some data from a group that is coming to the hotel in May. Unfortunately, I was not able to finished enter the data to the computer, they were too many, so I did the most I could and then I went to home.